If you have been wondering how to approach a girl and want to learn more on the best way to approach a girl then it's time that you asked some questions to ask your crush. There are some questions to ask your crush that could really help you figure out something about her. Many guys don't pay attention to these questions to begin with, but once they do they usually end up doing something stupid that makes them regret getting started. There are some questions to ask your crush that will give you the perfect opportunity to figure her out. Here are the questions to ask your crush:
What kind of things does she like? - This is one of the best ways to ask questions to your crush that will actually get you some results. Everyone loves to talk about their likes and dislikes. So many of these questions relate to what your crush likes to do or is involved with.
What was her reaction last time you talked to her? - This is one of the dumbest question that you could ask your crush. If she didn't say anything then think about it for a second. Did she look at you like you're some sort of weirdo when you talked to her? If this is the case then there is a good chance that she isn't fond of you. Therefore, just try not to talk to her if you aren't sure about something.
Does she say Chavez or boodram? - If your crush tells you that she says chavez or boodram then try not to take it too seriously. She could be saying that because she means it when she says those two words. She might also mean that she wants to spend more time with you, which could be what she is actually saying. Just take it as a compliment.
Does she ever do that? - When your crush does something that she doesn't really mean, such as dancing with her ex in the first place, then you should always be careful. It's probably the sign of her being desperate to escape from you. You should never try and force her to leave you. Just enjoy the fact that she is trying to escape and that is your first move. Don't make it into a game of cat and mouse.
Do you ask her about your small talk skills? - One of the dumbest things that you could do to start a conversation with a girl is by asking her about your small talk skills. You see, small talk is one of the tools that women use to start a conversation. However, women don't like guys who do this. So, when you are looking to start a conversation with your crush, avoid asking her this kind of question.
Do you flirty questions to get her attention? - There is nothing worse than seeing a guy asking his crush questions to start a conversation. The reason why this is such a bad idea is because most women don't feel comfortable talking with you about personal issues when you are flirting with them. So, the best way to go is to stick to the subject of the conversation and don't bring up personal issues.
Does she watch the same TV show that I do? - This is one of the biggest mistakes that guys make. Chances are, she watches the same television show as you. If you want to get her attention, then you need to make sure that the show that she watches is interesting and is something that she would want to talk about with you. If you do this, you will be able to start a conversation with her simply because she probably likes watching the same show that you do.